Leading planning performance fuels economic growth

The borough of Antrim and Newtownabbey has fast become an ‘investment magnet’, attracting an influx of major companies which have chosen the area as the perfect location to establish or expand their business.
The strategic planning team and planning committee is at the heart of this success delivering a robust performance which has earned the Council an enviable reputation as a leading planning authority in Northern Ireland, consistently exceeding statutory targets.
This has been reinforced by the latest statistics issued by the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) which illustrate that Antrim and Newtownabbey was one of only three councils to meet the processing target for major applications of 30 weeks, with an average processing time of an impressive 21 weeks.
This outstanding performance combined with the innovation and commitment of the Council’s award-winning economic development team has secured a multi-million-pound investment pipeline for the borough, creating significant job opportunities, and delivering an economic boost for the borough.
Two prime examples of this collaborative work are evidenced by the results achieved at Global Point Newtownabbey and Nutts Corner, once undeveloped areas of land they are rapidly transforming into best-in-class hubs for advanced manufacturing, health and life sciences and logistics.
In June 2024, work commenced on the plans for the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre (AMIC), a £100 million investment led by Queen’s University Belfast with plans approved by the Council in just 25 weeks. This significant investment also includes £10 million investment by the Council, underpinning its support for economic growth and job creation for the borough and beyond. This Factory of the Future, at Global Point, is part of the Belfast Region City Deal and will reinvigorate Northern Ireland’s industrial potential.
More recently, the Council has given the green light to plans for a landmark £150 million investment by the Errigal Group, one of the largest industrial developments in Northern Ireland’s history. The 165,323m2 development will transform the landscape of the area, restoring the original Enkalon site, creating 690 new jobs once operational, with 200 construction jobs over a six-year period.
Planning approvals for major housing developments at Ballyclare, Antrim, Doagh and Mallusk will complement these economic investments, with over 1,200 new homes attracting new residents to the borough for employment increasing footfall and boosting the local economy.
The Council is also currently constructing two 16,000 sq. ft state-of-the-art flexible workspaces in Antrim and Glengormley which will foster business start-up and entrepreneurship, fuelling commercial development, and laying the groundwork for sustainable economic prosperity. The workspace hubs, alongside wider regeneration programmes will be key drivers to support the future success of the borough’s town centres. The impressive Antrim facility will be opening in September 2024 with construction in Glengormley underway and due for completion in 2026.
Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey Councillor Neil Kelly adds: “I commend the work of the officers and members who drive this economic progress, through our planning and economic development functions.
“The Council remains fully committed to supporting a vibrant and prosperous economy that promotes positive sustainable development and growth.”
For more information on our workspace hubs please visit investment@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk